His Voice Global

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The Myth & Importance of Unrestricted Funds


Giving to an organization’s unrestricted fund means all my money will go towards organizational overhead, admin, and salaries.


Giving to an unrestricted fund allow the organization to be flexible, innovative and reactive to needs when they arise unexpectedly.

Although it is true that a small percentage, 16% of our annual budget in 2019, goes towards General, Administration, and Fundraising, we try to keep our overhead and stateside spending low. It would be wonderful if 100% of all funds could go overseas but in order for any organization to run, you must have staff.

To keep our overhead low, most staff fundraise all or most of their salaries and work remotely from home.

When you give to His Voice Global’s unrestricted fund it allows us to pay for expenses that come up for our partners whether it be extra school uniforms, food, medical bills, etc. There are always unforeseen situations and to serve our partners well we must be willing to expect the unexpected, this is where unrestricted funds are so valuable.

Join us on December 1 for Giving Tuesday in raising $20,000 towards our unrestricted funds. Be on the look out for more information over the coming weeks. We will be breaking down the impacts of your giving in Kenya, Uganda, and stateside.

Mark your calendar for Giving Tuesday

Check out how our unrestricted fund is being used in 2020

Check out His Voice Global’s 2019 Annual Report