His Voice Newsletter 1/20


Greetings and welcome to 2020!

As we wrap up 2019 and begin our ministry together in the new decade, we want to thank you again for your steadfast support. As you’ll recall, we were working towards the goal of meeting a $100,000 matching gift challenge the last time we wrote. 

We’re happy to report that we reached that goal, and finished the year on target to fund the ministry needs we had put before you! God is good, and we are grateful for the ministry He has given to us and partners like you. Thank you!

As we reflected with our team on the coming year, it occurred to us that God has uniquely placed us in a position to serve Him in East Africa. It was fifteen years ago that we started the first of two orphanages in South Sudan. Fifteen years! From there, God’s hand was evident as He allowed us to put down the root system necessary to serve those most vulnerable not only in South Sudan, but also in Uganda and Kenya. The roots He established allow us to bear fruit in ways we could not have imagined when we began our ministry. We are rooted for service to Him in 2020!

We have a strong team in place, not only here in the U.S. with our staff and board of directors, but also on the ground in Arua, Uganda, where we have seven full-time workers. Our partner organization in Africa and the trust we enjoy from those we serve continues to grow, and the encouragement and finances we receive from supporters like you continues to amaze. 

Because of this root system, we expect 2020 to yield more fruit than ever as we intensify our discipleship efforts across the region, build the Arise Discipleship & Retreat Center in support of that effort, increase the number of college-age students we serve, and continue to offer a safe haven to the orphaned and vulnerable. 

Jesus said “from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:48b). We are excited about the opportunities that have been given to us and grateful for the experiences that have prepared us for service. Let’s get started!


Vernon & Amber Burger


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