His Voice Newsletter 2/20


Our ministry is off to a quick start already this year, thus one of the reasons for the subject of this email. 

Last month Darrell Parrish, our Director of Discipleship Training, was back in Uganda to lead more believers through our Foundation of Hope curriculum. As we seek to raise up leaders through the local church, God has connected us to the Aringa, a previously unreached Muslim people in Northwest Uganda who only recently became believers in Jesus. Working with another mission organization in Arua, we are leading these new believers to make disciples of Jesus among their own people. 

Refugee ministry is another area of work that is off and running. According to UNICEF, there are 900,000 children who have flooded Ugandan refugee camps. Seventy-one percent of these are from South Sudan. Of course, His Voice cannot minister to all of these, but God is using our roots in South Sudan and our calling to holistic ministry to impact those He gives us in a meaningful and lasting way. 

But there is a need that has arisen as we hit the road this year. If you have traveled to Uganda, and perhaps even visited the Rhino refugee camp with us, you know the roads to get there are a challenge. The same goes for traveling to Northwest Uganda and other areas of our discipleship ministry. Locally in Arua, as the number of students has grown, there is a need for vehicles that can transport them to school events, church events, and ministry events. 

In order to do their work efficiently, our missionaries and Arua-based staff have a need for two reliable vehicles that are suited to our ministry. One is a Toyota SUV and the other is an all-terrain bus. Having just lost the use of an SUV, the need is pressing. If you can help, click the donate button below and give to our Uganda ministry. If you would like to hear more about the total cost of the vehicles and learn more about the need, please contact us at info@hisvoiceglobal.com or call us at 432-279-0340.

We continue to be grateful for our diligent staff in Arua and for those of you who support them. Thank you for paving the way for their success with your love, your prayers, and your support as they serve. As the Irish blessing goes, “May the road rise up to meet you”!


Vernon & Amber Burger


Uganda Ministry Plans

Watch the latest video update from our missionaries, The Wards. “Our family has almost been here a year and we can not believe all that we have been able to be part in this time. Many highs and lows but God has been faithful throughout each.”