His Voice Newsletter 12/20


Looking Back To Move Us Forward

As we close out the year, founders Vernon and Amber Burger reflect briefly on what has been an amazing 2022. More than looking back, though, we want to give you a look at what we believe is in store for 2023. 

Want to see the results directly from Uganda? You will not want to miss this video narrated by National Director Mike Elkins. 


Give The Gift That Keeps Giving

Without your help, we will not be able to serve the vulnerable as Mike so vividly described in his video. Your financial partnership allows us to continue to fulfill the mission God has given us. 

Looking for a unique way to give? Honor someone close to you by clicking HERE to complete a simple form and receive a downloadable certificate that you can give to your honoree. The link will also give you some specific ministry needs to make the purpose of your gift even more meaningful. 



Advent is a very special time for believers as we approach Christmas. It is always special  to provide insights from our own Dr. Vernon Burger as we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Messiah. Our prayer is that these insights will help you and your family prepare for this very special season. 


Meditation Monday: Advent Hope

Meditation Monday: Advent Love

Meditation Monday: Advent Joy

Meditation Monday: Advent Peace


Thank you for your support of His Voice Global! It is a joy to serve those God has given to us with you!

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