Hello from Uganda!
Hello from Uganda! Well we are a little over a month of being in Arua and it has been a whirlwind. The first few weeks we have focused on getting our house in order and trying to find our new rhythm of life here. We have enjoyed creating a home where our family can rest, enjoy time together, and invite others to join us. The work isn't finished yet, even as I type this I hear hammers knocking down a wall in our kitchen, but we are thankful for this place we call home.
We have 4 students living with us and it has been fun to get to know them and welcome them into our family! Their names are Lemi, Taban, Bita, and Issaac. Issaac is not full time with us but he comes here on some weekends and holidays. We also have Asiki living with us who is on staff with His Voice Global. Braelyn and Jack have loved having these guys around and we have loved seeing their bond grow. We have them over for dinner every Monday night and cook them breakfast on the weekends, if they don’t have class. Even in this short time, we have grown to love these guys as family and appreciate getting to know them.
As a whole our family has made the transition fairly well. The kids are rolling with it and probably doing the best out of any of us. This has certainly been a roller coaster of emotions. Some days are really hard, and we long for the life that was once familiar. Then on other days, we are thriving and loving the life being built here. We are living in the unknown, and there are many questions that are left unanswered at the moment. What gives us hope in this time is knowing the ways God has shown up each step of the way and the assurance that He called us to be here. Henri Nouwen said, "Live the questions deeply, knowing that you are God's beloved." We don't have all the answers and that is okay, because we know we are God's beloved.
Pictured below: Braelyn with our new cat, Harry Pawter. Our pup, Bear. The kids overlooking the land at the Arise property on Easter Morning. A walk with some of our guys Issac, Bida, & Lemi.
Sunrise Easter service with all our team and students. The students were on break from Friday to Monday, and we were able to spend time getting to know them better, serve them food, and share with each other stories of what God has done in our lives!
Prayer Request
That we would be able to celebrate the highs and feel our way through the lows of the roller coaster right now.
For our students who are having final exams this week.
For our busy May. We have 2 theological trainings our team is hosting and teaching. Our teammate’s church is having a group come visit and His Voice Global is having our first team visit.
The relationships Brittani is building with the ladies that come help at our house, Christina and Sarah.
Unity in our marriage, our family, and our team.