His Voice Global

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Uganda Update

The Ward family was taking some vacation time in South Africa when the pandemic made their return to Uganda impossible. Through the generosity of some friends in South Africa, they were able to stay there until ultimately making the decision to return to Houston with the help of the U.S. Embassy. They are anxious to return to their ministry in Arua, Uganda, as is the Elkins family, who were already in the U.S. when travel back to Uganda became difficult. 

That leaves the Harper family and fellow His Voice worker Asiki Emmanuel in Arua to care for the college-aged students and their own family as they quarantine. One reason the Harper’s have been able to stay on the field so faithfully for many years is because of God’s provision of teachers for their children. Watch this video to learn about their need for teachers and contact Wendy Harper if you know someone interested in joining them in Arua.