His Voice Global

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Kenya Reflections : Asiki Emmanuel


My Name Asiki Emmanuel I work with HIS VOICE GLOBAL (HVG) Uganda.

This is my first Mission Trip to Kenya to join one our teams from the States to serve a long side our RIFT VALLEY HOPE (RVH), our partner in Keny., For me it’s a dream come through I had always Prayed to God to open for me the opportunity to go Kenya Because I have heard about what God is doing in that Region which is amazing seeing God.s Hand in Work with all the kids and the RVF Leaders on the Ground Serving God.


Well I liked the Kenyan culture because being in the same region and sharing Boarder lines we got some similarities in our culture so I didn’t expect much from that.

Well one of my greatest take away from the trip was sharing my story with the Kids and RVF team because I also had similar story with them when I was young where I thought I had lost a sense of Hope but God was always with me giving direction and company when I felt helpless so I was able to share with them about myself ,what God had done for me through the lives of People He Had entrusted me with to take all my Burden and worries of life been an orphan with NO one to look up to except Jesus and had a great time with them listening to their stories those Kids where great and clever, having visits to their families was real another great thing for me praying for them and encouraging them to remain faithful to God and I love the team spirit and work of the RVF Staff and our team working together where we keep encouraging one another and for me it was so great to be with my sisters around me keeping one another safe and motived for all the daily activities we had with the kids showing them love and circle of care .

For me personally it was great meetings Pastor Isaac and His family and His hard working, encouraging team I can’t wait to go back and serve with you guys

Finally I would like to thank our Team leaders mostly my Sister Dannielle and Melissa for working so hard in getting me to come with them to Kenya to join the team, once again thanks for meeting new Friends on the team and grateful for the unity, love and encouragements we had in our Devotions and debriefs, caring for the only Brother on the team.

Thank you HVG and Team ,God for this amazing Opportunity and time together .